
Wednesday 24.07.2019

Open door day

18:00  Tour de INTERA Technology Park
19:00  Evening of wine, cheese and olives at LUX business bar
            Network with other diaspora and local participants
            Discuss business opportunities
Thursday, 25.07.2019

Conference and B2B meetings

10:30 Registration
11:00 Words of welcome
            Marko Šantić, president of Chamber of commerce of FBiH
            Karin Rau, manager of GIZ's project "Innovation and digitalisation in SMEs in BiH"
            Andrew Boegel, director of economic development office, USAID Mission in BiH
            Vedran Šimunović, executive director of INTERA TP
11:20 Keynote
            Edhem Eddie Čustović, BH Futures Foundation
11:35 Resources and potentials for investments in BiH
            Ivan Jurilj - Office for european integration of Government of West Herzegovina Canton 
11:50 Interventions of INTERA TP in local economic environment
            Mladen Kostić, INTERA Technology Park
12:00 Panel discussion – Experiences of diaspora entrepreneurs 
            Senad Šantić – ZenDev (Mostar, BiH - Göteborg, Sweden)
            Biljana Lovrinović – Equus Group (USA), Galop digital (Travnik, BiH)
            Goran Pejičić – Perfetto Plus (Nevesinje, BiH)
            Sanja Čulina-Okić – CITT (Sarajevo, BiH)
            Zlatko Papac – Lasta travel (Mostar, BiH)
12:45 Coffe break
13:00 How GIZ supports business cooperation with diaspora
            Krunoslav Rašić, Regional Service Centre for cooperation with the Private Sector in the WB
13:10 USAID Diaspora Invest program
            Jusuf Tanović, Chief of party USAID Diaspora Invest
13:20 Panel discussion – Possibilities of cooperation with diaspora
            Edhem Čustović – BH Futures Foundation (Australia)
            Adnan Berberović – SEEBA, Restart (Sweden)
            Erol Mujanović – ABSL association (BiH)
            Emica Ćorić – IUNO (BiH)
            Željko Raguž – Chamber of Commerce FBiH
14:10 Closing remarks
            H.E. Mr. Eric G. Nelson – US ambassador in BiH 
14:15 Lunch break
15:00 – 18:00  >> B2B meetings <<
19:00 Networking over dinner in “LUX” Business bar
            (registration for B2B meetings is the ticket for dinner)


Friday, 26.07.2019

Follow-up day

  • Finalization of discussions between entrepreneurs
  • Additional info about available support programmes
  • Signing of contracts
  • Q&A

Meeting rooms available at INTERA TP

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants142
  • Meetings Requested191
  • Meetings Accepted75


Profile views

  • Before Event2006
  • After Event212226


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Media support

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